
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 74/89
Main activity: Fri - errands - carnivore, work, pool
Notes: Woke 2a, 4a, 6a and laid there till nearly 7a. Body feeling stiff and tight so did qigong and yoga. Headed out then to Food Patch and Aldi for mostly all stuff to do carnivore diet next week ... wow. Will be interesting. Feeling angry and lots of despair today, ready to throw in the towel on everything. Coffee and Zoom w/ Susan as soon as I got back and worked thru till 1145a. Went to pool for a bit and then showered, did a meditation. Made the pizza w/ coco flour crust and had a big salad then re-packaged all the meat and goat cheese I bought today to freeze in parchment paper instead of plastic. Back to work then till 515p. Streamed shows in the evening, couldn't fall asleep and neighbors very loud. Ended up moving to the chaise in the LR after midnight.

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