Solstice swim

No yomping up a mountain for the Solstice thanks to the toe ( a rather alarming magenta but just bruised rather than broken, I reckon), but we did go for an early morning swim - not quite sunrise but around 8.30am. (Sunrise 5.20am on the longest day, sunset 22.00, I can vouch that the thrush was up that early and he was still going at 22.45 last night). I found I had my camera on a weird setting but it seems right for the day that's in it. It was heavenly, all milky blueness and cloudage. We had to visit three beaches before one without jellies- it all depends on the wind direction. The water was delicious but it seems we are in the midst of a marine heatwave and it's not good news. It's seems it's 16C which doesn't sound that hot to me. 
Happy Solstice.

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