A very tidy plot!

After a busy day yesterday I have spent most of today at home after an early Pilates class and collecting a couple of things from local shops and plumbers merchants.

I was going to clean the patio but the sprayer nozzle has broken so just tidied and sorted out all my many plant pots…...lots of plastic ones to recycling .

Then I went to the allotment and picked some very nice raspberries plus did lots of watering. Plus  some weeding too as the weeds are still growing despite the lack of rain!
At last our plants there seem to be growing properly particularly courgettes and runner beans.

There are over 200 plots at our allotment and I rarely go round all the main paths but today decided to cycle round a take a look at other plots not just our row. This is a particularly immaculate plot..sweet peas and sweetcorn plus a cage with lots of raspberries and lots of strawberries looking good. I’m sure the owners spend more time there than my friend and I spend on ours! 

Some of the plotholders do spend hours there in the summer. I know that some of them have no gardens at home so it is nice for them to have outdoor space where they have tables and chairs to sit outside in nice weather. 

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