Poppies nearly over at Hampton Court

An early bike ride while it was cool to Bushy Park to watch the grandchildren playing cricket which they have really enjoyed. It is very well organised; it is the Allstars cricket scheme which is a National scheme. Next week will be the last week this season but I’m sure they will carry on next year.
Then I went to Hampton Court and saw that the poppies and other flowers there are nearly over as you can see from the many seed pods. My blip was from there  two weeks ago. In the extra you can see the view looking back from the entrance to the Palace. There is an archaeological excavation going on near the river( behind the green screen in the distance near the gate) as apparently there were buildings there in Tudor times.

Very humid later so I watched the tennis from Queens while sorting out printed photographs from the 1990’s . We have so many I am filtering a bit. Luckily I had a camera which you could set with the date so many have the actual date on them which helps a lot!

Off to babysit for my daughters children in a bit. They usually come to us for a sleepover if they go out of an evening but today I’m going there.

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