Hair appointment day

After last night’s session I wasn’t expecting to be very perky this morning, but I didn’t do too badly.

R & S collected me for a trip to Lincoln. B stayed at home and looked after Amber and Olive. R & I had hair appointments booked, so R was dropped off first, while S and I went to the old house to check things out and do the garden. We spent an hour in the midday sun and roasted. We didn’t get everything done, but it was my appointment time and we had to go. 

After I was made respectable again we headed up hill to visit a jeweller friend and saw some beautiful gems. On the way home we visited the wholesalers to stock up on non perishables. 

We had an easy trip back to Uttoxeter, very little traffic. I managed to last the day, but will be ready for a good night’s sleep.

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