Out In The Fields

Well, it wasn’t quite Glastonbury but we were playing outside this afternoon. And rather than the Pyramid Stage, we were on the “artic flatbed trailer stage”.
It was a 21st birthday party and we played between 5.30 and 8.00, then there was a disco until late. A dry, sunny afternoon and free food and drink as well - what’s not to like!
Photograph is courtesy of Mrs C who was trying out her new camera, taking photos not just of the band performing but also of us setting up and relaxing between sets. Some interesting pictures which nicely captured the afternoon.
I initially thought we were playing “Rockin’ All Over The World” when this was taken, but that is in C and we are all definitely playing D in the photo. So most likely the outro to “Summer of 69”
Back home now and watching Guns’n’Roses headline set at Glastonbury. The music’s not bad but, my God, they’re looking old!

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