Stockbridge Gardens

I had a rather disturbed night. Mr hazelh woke me from two horrendous nightmares when he was wakened himself by my panicked breathing. One featured another blipper: Ridgeback13 and I were trapped in the back of a taxi as the maniac cabbie threatened us with an axe! I didn't manage to get back to sleep after the second nightmare (in which I was drugged and carried away unconscious to a cult) at about 3:00am, so only felt like a 5k run this morning.

By this afternoon I felt a lot better. Mr hazelh and I had a lovely time visiting ten neighbouring gardens on a trail organised by Scotland's Garden Scheme. As was the case the last time we did this in 2019, we talked to the owners and volunteers who played host. Meanwhile we considered which of the plants in the gardens would flourish in ours. The big difference this time, however, was that we spoke with authority as (born again) gardeners ourselves. We almost managed to get all the way round the trail before the rain set in. When it did, we were very grateful to have packed our anoraks. I took my blip in Garden D.

This evening Jon came over for supper and Catan. Jon won the first game and I the second.

Mummy hazelh has very much enjoyed the Glastonbury coverage over the past couple of days. We're all watching Elton John as I write up my day.

Exercise today: 5k run; walking (21,041 steps including run).

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