I have booked the last two nights of my trip. I find it a little hard to believe that it is so soon. I very much hope Portland gets its temperatures under control before I arrive as the last place I'm staying does not have AC. I suppose I should also just be grateful that it looks like good weather so far.
The crows are spending more time on the deck which is fun to see.
The good news is that Putin looks weak. He came on television and declared that the head of Wagner was mutinous and then a few hours later the head is going to Belarus with no consequences. Wagner does terrible things in Africa - I wonder what all of this will mean for Africa.
More good news is that Wagner was effective, more effective than the Russian military, and horrendously evil, so its end might be good for Ukraine.
In Moscow, on Saturday, for the first time people discussed war. They had internet disruptions and couldn't get money out of cash machines. There were armed checkpoints. All outdoor events were cancelled until July 1. Airplane tickets to Armenia ran out. People took selfies.
Ukrainian activists, scientists, and architects are planning a green reconstruction strategy to emphasize climate resilience and clean energy. It will include green steel production and green hydrogen production. There are some industrial processes that cannot be done with electricity, something has to be burned. If that something is hydrogen produced with renewable energy, great, you can reduce pollution from iron and steelmaking. If they sell the green hydrogen to Europe they reduce the market Russia might have had for natural gas.
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