Bee in the veronica

Truly there is a bumble bee lurking. Can you spot her? There were lots and moving very quickly so I was lucky to get one sort of in focus.
We had one patch of this beautiful flower and I have dug up clumps and planted them hither and yon in the past. Now we have big, beautiful patches and the pollinators love it. Besides the lupin it's really the only thing blooming in my back perennial beds at the moment. There are still iris, peonies and alliums blooming in other beds.
I have a few calendula starting. I was going to be ruthless and pull lots of them up since they are spreading in one of my veggy gardens and I have pulled some up but there are a lot along with borage that is kind of going wild. Dan just got the little picket fence up to keep Hilda, the cat, out of the garden. She views it as her own private cat box and will dig up seeds that I've just replanted..
It's been hot and humid today and I've done a few things but mostly I've tried to relax and let my body know it's time to recharge.

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