River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: #30DaysWild - Pretty & Practical Gardening

As I was eating my breakfast looking out onto the garden, something dropped from a branch then hopped onto a flower pot - a male BULLFINCH :-)) coincidentally MrD came into the room and we watched this beautiful and rare bird pecking at the dead flower heads and eating the seeds, I’m glad I leave all these plants to completely die down then reseed for next year :-)) NATURE’S WAY …!

Went out later to check what Mr Bullfinch had been eating  - the White form of Herb Robert - which is today’s Blip along with the dainty blue cranesbill and the 2 zucchini plants and Sturon onion sets.

Apart from the Bullfinch there aren’t many birds in the garden today! Early yesterday morning MrD spotted a bird of prey (probably a young Sparrow Hawk) in the twisted hazel, maybe the little birds and their young have gone to somewhere safer? Yesterday one of the male blackbirds was very agitated for many hours and I wondered if the blackbird chick which had been around the garden a week ago had been caught by the bird of prey …

Collected seeds for Seed Swap: Cranesbill Geranium pyrenicum which has tiny blue flowers - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2718566135820714347 - in today’s Blip, Silene dioica Red Campion and Welsh poppies - meconopsis Cambrica - yellow and orange.

I started changing / re-wilding my garden in 2012 when I joined Blip, my inspiration had been a series by Sarah Raven on the dwindling numbers of butterflies, moths and other pollinators. Tragically in the last 11 years the problem has got even worse with so many species struggling to survive and approaching extinction, our climate is getting drier we should all be doing more to preserve our fragile natural environment : don’t think WEEDS think WILD FLOWERS, let the grass grow and you should see lots of wild flowers which will feed the bees and the butterflies :-))

https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3202712 - the beginnings 

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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