Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Tuesday — The Harbor

It was cold and windy at the harbor when the pups walked today. It didn't bother them at all. They sniffed every thing they could get near and if possible they anointed it too! They had a blast even though their mugs did not get to be in the photo. And I was really glad I was wearing my hooded sweatshirt. My winter coat would have been even better; it was back at the house.

The news from Australia about American politics is interesting:

Meanwhile, the U.S. mainstream media gives this info: "NBC News reports that 'Vice President Kamala Harris’ net-negative rating (-17) is the lowest for any vice president in the poll’s history.' This is what happens when California politics goes national.'

Crazy Tuesday!
From California's Central Coast,
Rosie (Mr. Fun is in SoCal), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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