Best Laid Plans

A few days off, the dogs went into kennels this morning so we could have a bit of an explore for places to live as and when we sell our house.

The plan was to set off at lunchtime and see where we ended up. Heading towards the Northamptonshire villages.

However, yesterday afternoon we had a viewing booked for midday today, so once Callum set off with the dogs, I whizzed into action, tidying, cleaning, stuffing extra cushions and pillows into wardrobes etc etc.

We’ve been empty nesters for just over a week now as son moved out last Monday and his top floor set of rooms have been re-arranged, rubbish removed to the tip and thoroughly cleaned already, so at least that floor was ready for the viewing.

Anyway, it seemed to go well, very nice couple with grown up - but still at home - children. Much like our situation when we moved here ourselves. Just have to wait and see.

So, by the time Callum came home, having done a couple of work calls on the way back, neither of us wanted to go out this afternoon, so just relaxed and pottered about.

Hence a garden blip again. But at least I had time to sit quietly by the lavender bush and patiently wait for the bees or butterflies. In the end, a damselfly took centre stage. At least I think that’s what it is…

But the bumble was a close second. In extras. And the blackbird drinking out of the pond.

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