
By Livresse


The day didn't start too well with Django pretty ill during his walk. I had to go to work of course, but ended up getting there slightly late and I was a bit concerned about him, and the state of my carpet on my return. He was fine! 
I was working from Prestonpans Library today and spent most of the day sorting out staffing and contacting publishers. 
I wasn't sure which photo to choose today. This was a roundabout on my way to Prestonpans and different from what I normally post so went for this and put the one with Django as an extra. 
Apparently is it a blipversary..Three years is not a lot compared to some of you but it took me a while and three attempts before it became part of my "routine" (I am very bad with routines). I am pleased I started again. It helps me to think, reflect, notice, and "look for the lovely" or the unusual..  
Also, I have met some really lovely people, online and in real life! 

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