
By Appreciation

Another trip through the tunnel to see The Chick's. Their harmonies and ability to play a multitude of musical instruments are jaw dropping.

Many people were sporting cowboy hats and boots. As a teenager I coveted a pair of cowboy boots but never had a pair. I may have to revisit that. I couldn't stop looking at people's footwear. They hold a magic slipper quality for me!

The journey home was a challenge. To close the M8 and part of the alternative M80 on the same night seemed a little ill thought. I saw parts of greater Glasgow and Lanarkshire that you shouldn't see so late at night when you have no idea where you are. Scary.

Thank you for the kind words, hearts and stars yesterday. You could perhaps tell that I had no idea it was a milestone entry. It has taken me longer than most to get here but there is something very special about this community which keeps me coming back. I can think of no better way to record a diary of random events. I love Blip.

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