Silly position

Spotted a couple of doves in the gutter of next doors house and they seem to be building a nest. We watched them for a while and thought it was not a sensible place to have a nest as it would get very wet when it rained and all the water ran into it. I opened the bedroom window to take a photo, and I think they then realised how close to humans they would be and decided not to continue.
Wandered round a vintage fair this morning and both daughter and hubby made purchases, except neither had cash and the stalls didn’t take card so my purse was lighter when we got home.
Cleaned the bikes and hubby pumped up his tyres ready for a ride out tomorrow.
Then daughter arrived for coffee and stayed for dinner. Her partner is due home early hours tomorrow so we probably won’t see much of her for the next few weeks..
Saturday evening so glass of red and film for us.

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