Industrial Forest

A better day, less wind, a couple of showers, even a touch of sunshine, which didn't last long.  

A good lazy Sunday morning, which gave my foot a good rest, although it has been sore throughout the day.  I met friend Julie for walkies, which was slow with the foot injury.  Me, peerie Brian and Julie headed to Vidlin for the Sunday Teas, and popped by Caroline, who wasn't home but spoke with John-Arthur.  Working in the shop this evening, and a steady night, thankfully not too busy.  Feet up now for more needed rest. 

This industrial windfarm still shocks me everytime I head through the central mainland, with new industrial turbines covering the landscape.  I really was gobsmacked seeing the landscape from this view, a whole new forest of turbines have destroyed the hills.  They almost have a look of crucifixes scattered across the hills.  They stretched out much further than what I have in view, also many more still to be erected in this area alone! Taken near Kirkabister, Vidlin.  

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