Common mallow

After Pilates I took Libby for a walk, it was very windy today. This is a common mallow plant. There are lots of these on the area near the river where we frequently go and they attract lots of bees and butterflies.

Later we looked after a friends dog while they went for a long lunch at a restaurant near us…I should have taken a photo of Magic their poodle!

My husbands car insurance premiums have gone up massively so spent very long tedious phone calls getting quotes for  us to have joint policy…it takes ages to find a telephone number and get through ..not sure if I have sorted it.

Picked up the grandchildren as usual and went to collect their prizes for posters they did re Gaia/Earth exhibition, ( posts of 20th and 26th June) no  certificates but they got Smiths cards for £20 and £10 which is nice. We saw that the big Gaia ‘balloon’ was now in a crate waiting to be picked up and taken to be displayed in Durham Cathedral. 

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