
By Winsford

Flùr nèonach

I always think sempervivum looks rather strange when they flower: this one is no exception. I wonder why it grows so tall. 

Today involved time in my own garden (mainly transplanting shrubs that were being dwarfed by (carelessly cultivated) wildish flowers) and a local community garden. The later involved a fair bit of chatting as well. 

I also did some Gaelic revision - I am planning on using the rest of the break between semesters to go through all the listening and speaking exercises as well as my daily doulingo.

It being a Monday I also went for a swim late afternoon. There were six of us today and it was nice to swim together and chat as we made our way to the first pine and back.  We saw a salmon leaping (as you do) and I came away with 2lb of gooseberries (as you do) from one of the other swimmer's gardens. 

A good start to the week.  

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