The hot seat

No filming today but we had a big photo shoot for the key art for the show, none of which I can share here.  We also had two tv crews in to post local news stories about filming in Scotland. It was nice to welcome them and I got interviewed about the sensible stuff.  You can see a bit of our train set in the background.  They were both great and it was fun talking about the show in that kind of excited but generalised way when you are so far out from TX. 

Spent quite a long time with JC on the post schedule and then back to the hotel to meet V and Woody who sped up here having dropped David at Heathrow.   Woody did a double take on seeing me, presumably because of having sat in a car for 8 hours only to find ‘that woman’ at the other end.  V is taking a student on set tomorrow.  We had dinner at Gloriosa with JC.


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