
By KateH


Today has been like living under a sprinkler system with the weather regularly going from bright sun (but cold and windy) to torrential downpours and back again in minutes. I hazarded a short walk with Woody but didn’t get much past the chickens when I saw an approaching cloud, tried to make a run for it but was drenched in seconds.  It was like one of those tornado films! 

I had quite a bit of work to do first thing and was relieved to have the wifi in Studio so that I didn’t have to drive up to the hub to download everything.  

In the later morning we went over to Tobermory to buy some presents, whisky from the distillery mainly and started a search through the shops for proper tablet , the crunchier version of fudge.  Found some in the end.  

Lunch at Cafe Fish which has got rather expensive and is much less good value than Ulva, good chowder though,  and then up to An Tobar the local art gallery to see the Glasgow Prints and take a look at my friend Pinkie’s stained glass window and admire the other one, which had lost its name tag.  As had a group of pictures of Fanks by one of the other esteemed local artists (@treshnish ! ). We pointed out both transgressions.  

Stopped by Glass Barn and was served by local celeb Banjo and then up to Glengorm for a planned walk but it chucked it down so we had tea instead.  

I cooked dinner, crab with chilli mayo on oatcakes with cucumber which were delicious and a Diana Henry pasta with hot smoked salmon and fennel which wasn’t great - too many substitutions I think.  Raspberries and cream on biscuit for afters. 

Watched a bit of Wimbledon while I cooked. This post appears to be mainly about what we ate today so to elevate the tone I’ll note that I started two books, Olivia Laing’s A Garden against Time and the novel The Ministry of Time.  Both are excellent so far.  

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