
By 58jc

New dahlia

I planted lots of new dahlias this year.  This one is a vibrant orange with dark foliage which I like as it makes a change.  I have already picked two or three bunches for indoors and will probably continue until October.  Always a plant which keeps on giving.

I started today with a swim, and managed 25 lengths and ten minutes in the steam room.  I had scheduled a call with J from Wales who I have not spoken to for a number of years.  She was in our baby group years ago and moved away around 20 years ago, but we chatted like it was yesterday.  There is an open invitation to visit Wales which we will take her up on sometime, although they have a rather annoying dog...........!

OH home from golf and had a call from MIL as we were eating lunch.  She has had another fall and the ambulance was taking her back to hospital.  She was only discharged yesterday and although I did say it was likely to be a 'revolving door' I didn't expect it to be this quick.  He has gone to see her in A&E and I am expecting them to keep her in for more observations.  Carers were in place and will probably have to be stood down if she is kept in.  Certainly puts me off getting old.  I do feel sad for her - since Covid she has really gone down hill, but I suppose she was 86 then and is 89 now so increasing years take their toll.

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