Relaxing, Resting Or Refreshing

Regatta Day - I felt remarkably fresh after last night, I was up and about ready for Mrs S arriving in from her night shift.
Like ships passing in the night I had my rucksack ready and as Mrs S headed upstairs I readied myself and headed out earlier than I needed to but knowing that the gig needed to be on site at Devoran by 1100 I thought to give a hand.
I checked at Ponsharden as I went past but they had left so on to Devoran where it was good to catch up with friend Barney.
We eventually took part in the Men’s B race where we didn’t come last, I enjoyed it, tiring but rewarding.
Epic participated in a second race, the Veterans Race but were again last but one.
A bowl of chilli with the inevitable coffee and I was ready to head home.

A quiet evening with a film and a sandwich before heading upstairs with my book where I fell asleep whilst reading.

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