
By NightOwl45

Fatigued Thursday and a Dreich Day Selfie!

I was in bed most of today as I was awake in fibromyalgia flare until around 4am when I managed to finally sleep.

I managed a couple of hours sleep and was up at 8am. The nearby neighbour’s cat appeared once more so many hugs were given!

It’s been a damp, dreich day. I rested and stayed in bed resting but not asleep until about 5pm.

This evening, I needed milk and unfortunately it was raining very heavily but I dragged myself out, all wrapped up and the walk gave me some headspace despite the damp conditions.

I managed to clock up 1.8 miles on the walk towards my Samarathon July challenge for my local branch of the Samaritans in Dumfries.

I took today’s Blip under the shelter of a beautiful tree as my ancient smartphone isn’t waterproof! It was tough going but I’m proud of myself for pushing through the fibromyalgia and joint hypermobility syndrome pain and fatigue. A no makeup selfie, keeping it real!

I dried off once home and had some dinner, watched Question Time early and some episodes of the comedy, Not Going Out. Hilarious! A whole new series to indulge in.

Bedtime with my book - starting a new one tonight which has been in my to read pile for ages! How Not To Be A Boy by Robert Webb. I love Peep Show, another brilliant comedy.

I hope you’ve all had a drier Thursday! It feels rather like October in July. Hoping the sunshine returns soon :)

If you would like to support me in my Samarathon July Challenge, you can read my story and donate via this link::

Thanks as always for all your kind comments, stars and hearts, playing catch up as always :) xx

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