
I picked a bunch of these 'Arabian Night' - they are prolific bloomers and grow to almost 7' tall so have to be staked, also continue flowering until the first frost.  Perfect

Today was BP (new instructor who I really liked).  I called into see MIL on the way home as she had phoned at 8.00 wondering what time the carer was coming.  She looked very old and frail and it did make me sad.  The kitchen was a mess and she is finding it increasingly difficult to look after herself.  I stressed the importance of keeping the kitchen as clean as possible (and suggested getting the cleaner to come more often?) particularly as she had an upset stomach the night before (evidence of washing left in the sink, I would have rinsed them out but there were no rubber gloves?!).  Oh dear - it certainly puts me off getting old. 

Home and No.1 was still sleeping as she had been awake early.  I woke her for breakfast and shower and we agreed on 1.30 train to London (appointment with new doctor for second opinion).  However her phone rang at 1.00 just as we were leaving and said it was necessary to cancel her appointment as he was delayed in surgery and would not be available.  Appointment was re-scheduled for Tuesday.  Tears of frustration at yet more waiting but we made the best of the afternoon with a trip to Tenterden where No.1 chose more head scarves in different colours/patterns.

We got home and had an hour of sun while OH visited MIL to check she was ok.  We also enjoyed a bacardi and coke and pretended we were on holiday.  A bbq finished the day.

Onwards and upwards again.

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