
By 58jc


Gardening mainly.  We had the tree boys round to cut the hedge, they always make such a good job of it and never leave a mess.  In the old days an ex colleague used to come over and do gardening but he doesn’t drive and it is a big job for one person, times have changed. The picture is of the Heliotrope which I grew from seed.  I have admired them in the past so decided to grow some this year and have been pleased with how they turned out.  Definitely another one for next year as they are only annuals and won’t overwinter (I don’t think?)

I did some weeding and OH cut front hedge.  In other times I think I would have planted less hedge but we are where we are.  MIL discharged from hospital so OH went round to make sure she was settled in and unpacked her bag, loaded the washing machine, fed cat etc etc.  Carers now coming three times each day so will hope that helps.  

No.1 and JC back from their break to Deal and had a relaxing time although the weather could have been better.  They are nomads for another week as their flat is on Airbnb due to the closeness to Wimbledon.  Good earner for two weeks so hard to turn it down, but just got to balance the ££ against living out of a suitcase?

Apprehensive about tomorrow - No.1 seeing another consultant for second opinion.

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