Show Time....
A busy one today. The local agricultural show at Dalkeith.
I had a job stewarding the North country Cheviots. There was a fairly good turn out with a couple of classes having 11 entries each. The judge managed to have everything done and dusted by 11am,so after that had a wander round the cattle and trade stands. Mrs F came down at lunch time so I treated her to lunch in the catering tent. Don't say I don't know how to treat her !
Left about 4 pm and fed the cattle down the road on the way home. The heifers I carted down yesterday all came to the troughs eventually so that was a good start.
Back home ,quick change then we headed of to the show dance in one of my contractors big sheds. After a good feed and a catch up with folk,decided to leave it to the young farmers once the music cranked up the volume, as I couldn't hear a word folk were saying !
# deafasapost....
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