Not broken

Thanks for all your blippi love.  The jedi has been dressed like him all day again.  

Lincoln had a sore arm through the night and this morning when he got up there was swelling in his fingers and wrist. Nhs 24 managed to get us a appointment at A+E and we were in and out in 40 minutes.  Thankfully its not broken. But he has a splint to wear for a week and a sling for a few days. 

You can see from my collage that we have a sunflower.  We started off with 15 plants and I have managed to keep 4 alive. I'm surprised we have that many. I'm not good with plants at all. 

It's been quite fractured on the whole asd front today. Xander has had a few big meltdowns . But that's what happens after a day out. The stress of keeping everything together when out somewhere different,  and a place that has so many sensory issues. But all is calm now and the 3 big wildlings are playing hide and seek. Mr R is painting the garden fence while it's sunny. 

I'm about to make chicken curry for family dinner,  it may go down like a lead balloon.  But the big lads like the aldi version so hopefully they like mines. Fingers crossed.  

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