
By HighPike

A Red Squirrel visitor

We occasionally have red squirrels as guests. The peanuts are the attraction. Unlike the greys they are not powerful enough to destroy the feeder. This one hung upside down for about 10 minutes eating all the time. How do they do that?

This area is one of the last strongholds of the reds in England. Apart from pressure from the greys, a 'squirrel pox' disease and flaming cats they seem to be holding their own. This one looked really healthy. They are quite relaxed about humans and will merely sit up a tree examining you. Dogs are another thing. With a disgusted chatter they will ascend higher into the branches and out of sight.

There is a squirrel warden who shoots greys. Everyone is encouraged to report any sightings. So far I haven't seen any. Long may it continue.

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