Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Day 2: A Moment

Loving the photo challenge so far. Probably cos its only day 2 and the novelty factor is still strong.

L woke up early and grumpy after a late night with the babysitter (nanny) so I dragged her frowny bottom upstairs for a cuddle at 9am and bosh, she was asleep within minutes.

Finally dug out the dumbells this morning. I've missed those guys but had been putting off using them, knowing how heavy they were going to feel after my holiday. No excuses now though or I will have nothing left to wear in a few weeks.

I love my lovely Aunty. She's brilliant, patient, kind and supportive. She became a nanny 18 months ago and I love seeing their special bond. She was babysitting today so we all went for a picnic, a maze hunt a wee in the bush, a roll down a field and an icecream. It was a real joy. If ever I need to talk things through (which is never because Im terrible for bottling it up and coping with it by being grumpy) I know she'll always be there. Shes diplomatic and grounded and kinda intuitive. I needed today.

Things still so painfully strained with my mum. Part of me feels like its unfinished business and needs fixing, but the other half of me can't take anymore situations that cause me unease, so I've decided to just step away and sort myself and my own priorities for a bit.

I've just opened the bubbly the photographers got me yesterday and am looking through today's pics. Today really was a good day.

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