
By CarolineJay


This was lovely to see in the garden when I got up this morning. It wandered about for a while before disappearing into the trees. Extras are a close-up of his antlers and a young buzzard in a tree at the end of the field opposite. I found where there seems to be a nest and several of them were calling and wheeling around, perching in different trees in the wood. It was quite mesmerising.
Earlier we'd been up to the north of the peninsula and had lunch in a hotel below a lighthouse, watching ferries going to and from Northern Ireland, and many groups of gannets who seemed all to be heading south.
The swallows from yesterday's blip seem to be intent on repairing and maintaining the nest over the front door, so I think they're definitely looking to start a second brood.

Thanks to all for comments, stars and hearts during the last few days. I'll catch up with you all when I get home.

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