Meantime, in a Kirkwall Café

Jessie: I see all the highheid yins of the United Nations will be gathering in Geneva in October tae discuss world peace.

Bessie:  Will they be haein’ clapshot ?

Jessie:  All you think aboot is clapshot – even in July.

Bessie:  Nivir mind.  Just think what Bertrand Russell could have achieved wi’ a guid plate o’ mince ‘n clapsot.  At the very least I hope they get wan free sausage with their delegate pack. 

Jessie:  Did you see Elsie on the Legion Dance floor on Saturday night ? Doing the samba in her satin pants.

Bessie:  Wi’ her b’hind they’ve been sat in aall right.

Jessie:  And that boob tube is no’ advisable, at least wi’oot a wheelbarra.

Bessie:  Ferly.  Can she still crack walnuts ?

Jessie:  So I hear, though I wouldn’t like to watch – even through the wrong end of Airchie’s binoculars.

Bessie:  Jessie, why are you so maudlin’ nooadays?  Have you lost your teeth again?

Jessie:  Well, I’ve been four months noo wi’oot me Lexie.  I miss him more than iver.  Don’t you miss your Ivan?

Bessie:  No, he’s still alive.

Jessie:  I thowt I attended his funeral two months ago.

Bessie:  Oh, the funeral that ended in a scrap?  Hid wis the funeral of Big Dennis, mind on he wis in wor’ class at the skewel.  Remember he went on to St Andrews to study philosophy.

Jessie:  But of course he was aye bletherin’ on about bloody Schopenhauer.  But as I telt Dennis, Schopenhauer wouldn’t have kent if there wis 23 pence off Daz.  Well, he wouldn’t.

Bessie:  Whit aboot Omo?

Jessie:  Careful, Bessie, Ca’ canny.  You have to be more PC. You can’t be saying Schopenhauer nooadays.

Bessie:  You mean PC McFedries?

Jessie:  Yes, he was first on the scene when Jimmy Heddle’s kye escaped.  There was such a jam on the Kirkwall gyratory system that he took immediate action.

Bessie:  He called for reinforcements?

Jessie:  He took oot his flask o’ tea.

Bessie:  Do you think St Magnus was really a martyr?

Jessie:  Remember her at No 6?  Now, she was a martyr - to wind.  Remember only two weeks past she cleared the ferry terminal in seconds.

Bessie:  I see McConnachie’s panther has escaped again.  Well, I’m assuming it has, I noticed wor postie had broon breeks.

Jessie:  Weel, I heard McConnachie dropped his camera at the wedding last weekend and upkilted himsel’.

Bessie:  Well, that’s minded me on, it I must go to Fletts for some chipolatas.

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