Green Guy

You know you're having a bad Blip day when your best picture is of a fly. Yeech. The fly picture called for a trip into the back search of critters.

I found a hoverfly, and this guy. I was convinced it was a katydid, but after googling it...there's no way it's a katydid. It's not even a katydidn't.

So, although I don't know what it is...I do know one thing. He was a great model...sitting still for a couple hundred photos. Plus, I had those close-up filters right up in his grill.

I really liked the black/white "feelers", but was REALLY intrigued by the green body. To looked like an ear of corn.

I trapped him in my hand, and hurried inside. 2 minutes in some boiling water, and we were ready to sample.

It didn't taste that bad, but it was real hard to hold it between my two thumbs and pointer fingers...trying to pick off the tiny "kernels".

(I stole that last idea from Tom Hanks in BIG.)

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