A fishing seat box

While cycling alongside the river I spotted these two fisherman sitting on these seats in the river! The first time I have seen this sort of fishing gear. I looked them up and lots of models available to buy for anglers…£200-500.
There was lots of other activity on the river - the annual drops on boat racing organised by the local Rotary club, paddle boarding lessons, sailing etc. also by Teddington a lock there were about a dozen largish boats with a Dutch flags, I found out they are a group travelling together on a tour of the Thames…presumably they crossed the channel in a group too. See extra. 

The men’s singles at Wimbledon is still ongoing after 3.5 hours. I’ve watched most of it while doing a few hand sewing jobs. Such a close match with so many deuces in some games. Not sure Djokovic will win this year? Maybe there will be five sets.

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