A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Rule Britannia

This is Cape Trafalgar, a few km up the road from Zahara.

In October 1805, Nelson sank 22 French and Spanish ships near here, without losing a single British one. Of course Horatio himself bought it.

We thought we'd leave the wedding to get under way and the revellers to revel while we explored up the coast a bit.

We spent a happy time walking along the Cape towards the lighthouse and admiring the amazing views from the top of the national park.

Then later, we went to the beach just below our hotel (while the wedding guests melted under the afternoon sun and tried to enjoy their barbecue) and soaked up some sun and swam in the Atlantic. It was lovely once you got in but a bit cool!

After dinner we went into town and mooched around for a while. Such a lovely day.

The revellers are still revelling, so I hope we shall sleep!

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