
Today was another day of waiting.  I did a walk first thing listening to the Archers Omnibus….. everyday tales of farming folk.  However I switched off half way through when the storyline included Rob Titchener being diagnosed with a brain tumour.  Life imitating art or something like that?!

Home for a bit of deadheading in the garden then off to get my hair coloured.  No.2 landed in the UK from his holiday to US and phoned to tell me all was ok.  He said he wanted to go to Tooting to see No.1 and they spent some time together.  He phoned me on his way back to Bow and we talked books.  He loved being away and relaxing and reading - getting through a couple of books.  Interesting reading material and he was telling me about Heart of Darkness (Joseph Conrad).  I smiled inwardly as this was the boy who hated reading and was bribed by me (£20) to read Harry Potter.  He only read the first one, and probably watched the video for the rest.  Funny.

Spoke to No.1 in the evening and she sounded worried, frightened, tired, anxious whilst all the time putting a brave face on.  We’re driving over in the morning to see her before surgery.

Hoping, praying and trusting that surgery will halt this f*cker in its tracks and help her feel better.

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