
By 58jc

Room with a view

We got up early and got to the hospital by 7.30 to be with No.1 for all the pre operation checks.  A constant stream of people coming in to ask questions, clean the room, check medication, take blood pressure, change paper towels.............etc etc ?!  Finally the consultant and his team came in to explain the procedure which was really scary (but No.1 said she had her positive pants on).  More people in and out and then the nurse with pressure stockings, and she was almost ready to go.  However Surgeon came in looking fit to burst and said he was really sorry but the operation was cancelled.  Whaaaaaaatttt!!  Apparently the strike today with Junior Doctors meant that there was insufficient staff in ITU to provide proper post operative care.  You couldn't make it up.  So canula came out, socks came off and we went back to Tooting ready to do it all again on Wednesday.

No.2 is still in the US and was chatting with H's mum who calculated the cost of the treatment in the US would be around £1m - if you could get the insurance to cover it?  What a f*cked up world we live in.

The picture is the view from the window with a chap in hospital gown smoking outside, in the non smoking bit.  

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