
By emmacooperx

Tres "lounge"

When I accepted the job at the Rocher, I didn't expect that it would be this eventful. Today I recieved my 6th offer to go for a drink with someone after work. And this was the first one I accepted.

So there I am, casually descending the stairs and I make casual conversation with a guy who is climbing up. I make some joke about it being much easier on the way down than the way up and then I think no more about it. Only it turns out that this guy is a body guard for a celebrity who's meant to be coming to the Rocher tomorrow, so he's here checking out the area. Anyway, I bump into him again on my lunch break, and we get chatting. And he invites me for a drink after work. And for some strange reason, that still escapes me now, I say yes.

The afternoon is broken up by a visit to the Rocher by my Armenian stalker who has bought me a present, the most hilarious present ever - I'll endeavour to put a photo up tomorrow because it is really trop classe quoi! And Sebastien doesn't believe the whole celebrity story, and he can't understand why any body guard would ask me out for a drink. So obviously he calls the police to check that it's all real. Only, it turns out that it is real. So I go to dinner with this guy and pass a really lovely evening. The conversation flows easily and knowing that he leaves for Paris tomorrow and that I'll never see him again means I don't worry about my French and just chat normally. Who knew there were criteria for a good creme brulee (or burnt cream as we're calling it now!) and panacotta. I tasted carpaccio and had great wine, and great kir. The desserts were a let down, but I enjoyed the company, even if the company didn't enjoy having his photo taken. Apparently I speak French like a paysanne, so what if I say mouai instead of oui! At least I don't say "lounge"!

Quand tu as faim, mange. Quand tu as envie de te faire plaisir, te fais plaisir, comme ca tu serais toujours content.

And this.

And even with all the clues I was given, I never would have guessed the celebrity!

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