
Oh my goodness! What special friends I have made, both near and far, through blip. Your hearts, stars and sweet comments have placed my Black Eyed Susans on the popular page. I am humbled and thrilled. Thank you sincerely. Today was certainly a day of rest for this old gal. We went to 5:00 pm Mass yesterday so I had no reason to leave home. I emptied the dishwasher, made the bed, put away a load of laundry and got my blip. These two sunflowers must have been “planted” by birds while we were in Dover. There were two tiny seedlings growing on the path between our patio and lawn when we returned from the lacrosse tournament. I have been nursing them, ensuring they could grow straight without tipping over, since I found them. I am quite surprised the deer or squirrels have not eaten the flowers. That’s why I snapped the photo as soon as the blooms opened. On the other hand, the “mammoth” sunflower seeds I carefully planted either failed to sprout, were eaten by varmints or are anything but as large as these two volunteers. Such is the way of gardening. Otherwise, I have been on the recliner, glued to my phone, prayer book or Kindle all day. Hubby went to my mother’s to finish securing our camper table with better hardware. He is on a mission to find the chargers for our e-bike batteries before we head out on our next camping trip. We have too many nooks, crannies, bags, boxes, etc. He also brought home a roasted chicken for dinner. The sides are ready so I will serve dinner in a snap. That’s our Sunday in a nutshell. I hope your weekend was restful and fun. Stay safe. And again, thanks so much for visiting my journal. "True friends are like bright sunflowers that never fade away, even over distance and time." - Marie Williams Johnstone

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