
By MamaOfBoys

Kanye and cat

Its that time of the week again. Seizure day.

Every week for the last 3 weeks Kanye has had a pretty significant tonic clonic seizure usually at night or during followed by a lot of sleep- some more seizures and sleep, then in the morning about an hour after having his medication( and calling school to say he wont be in) he picks up, is alert and happy seizures have stopped and he's back to usual self. Every single week

And low and behold it happened again. Last night while Andre was showering Kanye he suddenly had a massive tonic clonic seizure, he fell in the shower and Andre who was fully dressed had to step in the shower to stop him from breaking his cheekbones or jaw as he fell, Andre caught him just in time before he hit the floor of the shower, the difficult thing is during a tonic clonic they go so rigid you cant actually move their limbs. Andre turned the water off and just held Kanye until he came to 3 minutes later.

I heard him having a seizure while i cleaning up dinner dishes so instantly made his meds up, I helped Andre get him out of the shower which wasn't easy, at my stage of pregnancy i cant really lift Kanye unless i absolutely have to, he's almost 30 kgs so its not easy. Kanye fell asleep as soon as he came to So Andre carried him to bed and dressed him and tucked him in.

During the night he had about 4-5 seizures not as big as that initial one but still enough to stop his breathing, he wound up sleeping between us for comfort, so Andre and i didn't get a lot of sleep.

Kanye got up this morning had another big seizure at breakfast, Andre carried him to couch and he fell asleep again. We gave him his meds, left him to sleep, Andre headed to work and my mum came over. I had to take Marley to kindy so she stayed with Kanye while i took him.

Before i left the neighbours cat Lilly came in and climbed up onto Kanye and slept with him, i think animals know sometimes when things aren't right.

When i got back Kanye was up laughing, he was alert and cheery, still looked exhausted but he was happy seizures stopped.

I had to get some groceries so i decided he'd be ok to take out for a short time, i scooted around the supermarket, then mums car didn't start, absolutely flat.
She called roadside rescue but her phone went flat too she managed to turn in on for long enough for them to call and say they weren't far away. I told her to put hazard lights on so they could find us a midst the cars in the car park

Car roadside rescue man came and said it was her starter motor he managed to get it started but said if she turns it off it wont turn back on, so we headed back to my house and she went to the mechanics.

Luckily Kanye was ok during this time he's now lying on the couch watching the wiggles.

Add in its pouring with rain and i could do with a nap right now and its been an interesting day

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