
By MamaOfBoys

Maybe I can buy that crane

Marley my 4 year old is construction mad.
We have numerous construction toys not just diggers and dumpers but complicated ones like combine harvesters, scrapers and articulated haulers. Of course part of being a mama to a construction mad little boy is knowing the correct name of all machines and they're purpose. They don't teach that kind of thing, well, anywhere! I have learnt it all myself thanks to Google. ( okay so they probably do teach that kind of thing at construction machine school)

Today I took my boys for a walk to the inner city to get them a new toy each. They were bouncing off the walls and I feared when they were fighting they were going to start a hunger games like event in my lounge, not really something I wanted to clean up, I had just vacuumed. Boys are like puppies they NEED to go outside every day for a run around.

So with baby in the front pack we walked.

It's spring but it's pretty cold and rainy so it made the trip just that little bit less fun (for me anyway I think they enjoyed the rain- weird kids) .

Of course on the way we had to stop and look at all the machines that were either demolishing or rebuilding the city, our little walk turned into a big walk.

Just before we got to the toy shop we watched this big crane, This was when Marley turned to me and said 'maybe I can buy that crane'
'I don't think mama can afford that crane Mar'
'maybe daddy can buy it for me'
'daddy can't afford it either sweet'

Price of a gigantic crane aside I'm not sure where I'd put it, our garage is pretty full and I just set up the trampoline the other day so there's no room in our yard either. Also I'm scared of heights so who would go up there to clean it and take him lunch- not me!

After a wee cry that his horribly mean parents weren't going to buy him an actual crane, he decided his day will come.
' when I grow into a man I can drive that crane mama'
'Really ? Well that's a great job, I think you'll be very good at it'

Phew- crane buying tantrum avoided. That was my cue to go get toy and head home before we encountered any more cranes.

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