On Your Bike!

We got thwarted a couple of times this afternoon and couldn't do the walk we had planned. I put the big lens on the camera intending to head down to the lake to see if there were any egrets, herons, red kites or even swans. We got half way though and there were cows! We make it a rule not to go into fields full of them. They scare us a bit to be honest. So we doubled back and walked along Helen's Ditch hoping to cut down through the field to the playground. There were cows again! So we had to carry on along the ditch and come into Northleach down the road past the school. There were lots of cyclists about, several cruising along on electric bikes.

We noticed they have put a cycle rack up outside the new café, they do seem to be attracting a lot of cyclists.

I had a bit of a mad panic this morning. I phoned the camera shop to ask how to go about sending them my old camera for the trade in we agreed at the weekend. The guy said he would arrange a collection tomorrow. Five minutes later I had an email from DPD saying they were coming today, some time between now and 4pm. I frantically packed it all up and was just printing a label when the doorbell went and there was the DPD man. He had to wait while I stuck the label on. Good service though, I hope the payment will be as quick.

Thanks for your concerns about Rory. Turns out he has pneumonia and is on IV antibiotics and oxygen. The GP and NHS 111 didn't want to do anything, it was only daughter#1 getting pushy that produced some action. He seems perky enough though, and is being a bit cheeky to the nurses. We are hoping he will be over it all and home soon.

(Northleach) camera club AGM this evening, afterwards viewing some of our favourite images from the last year.

One year ago:

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