
By fitzbilly

A Way Of Life

We popped into Cirencester this afternoon, mainly to give the new car a run, and to get some petrol.

And to get a blip of course. I had intended to go with the extra. When we did the camera club treasure hunt back in May I had blue plaques as one of the items to find. Someone came up with this one which I've looked for ever since.

Then I saw the Quadrophenia scooter though and decided that was more interesting, sorry Cozy. I also tagged it for Derelict Sunday for state of the shop window behind.

On the subject of camera club we bumped into an ex member, ex in that she is not coming back next year. It's a shame because she joined in the same year as me, I think there were only three of us. She beat me in the new members competition, but I did come second.

Still pleased with the new car, but I wish I could work out what all the various warning and notification beeps are for as you drive. I'll get there eventually.

One year ago:
On Your Bike!

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