Art Lesson II

Janet and I got together again today for another art lesson. We spread out our stuff all over the kitchen counter and had a great time. She's a good teacher and I learned a lot.I intended to take a picture of her but of course we were so occupied with drawing and painting that I forgot.

I pay Janet with wine, so our lesson ended with a couple of glasses before she went home. That leaves me with a lot of 'homework' and practicing to do. We both have a good time and it's been a nice way to get back into painting again. Lots of talk about right and left brained people. Although the idea has been discredited by the scientists, I still think there is a lot to it as a concept.

The temperatures are slowly going down although it seemed warmer last night than it has been. We haven't had to turn the air conditioning on today and were able to open the windows to let in some cooler air. 

Maybe we'll even be able to get out of the house soon....

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