Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Sandcastles and Roo

Very warm today so left it till late afternoon to walk Roo, Kanga and Theo along the beach, someone had kindly built Roo this sandcastle so he went up to explore it.

In the distance we could see a Jack Russell chasing after every dog it could see, it spotted us and charged full speed ahead attacking Roo at full force, Kanga tried her hardest to get it off him and between the two of us ( people that is)we managed to grab it by the back and pull it off him but it had already ripped into his ears and really made him cry.

He's back at the digs now bruised and battered but he will be looked after.

One thing that really really annoys me are inconsiderate dog owners, I always put my lot on leads if I see dogs approaching and I always ask people if they are in range to put theirs on leads I get the usual answer oh they are fine, so I always reply yep but mine aren't!!!

Poor Roo. Shaken but not stirred.

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