Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

We're all going on a summer holiday!

Thank you for all your well wishes to Roo after his tussle with the dog yesterday, he's better than I thought he would be and although it did split his ear he got away lightly with just a bruise this morning.

I mentioned we had the nine with us so from top left we have Theo so named after the England and Arsenal player Theo Wallcott, Theo likes to think he is the leader of the pack he can be very cute but very unpredictable too just don't cuddle him late at night as he likes to give you a nip!! Top right my little pal Daisy May, the first PAT dog she's the oldest now but still shines when she walks into a room of people, she still knows how to work it.
Middle left if Mexi enjoying the sunshine, Mexi loves kids, and thrives attention, in the middle we have the adorable looking Tiger Lily, Roos girlfriend until Theo came along and pinched her, a good watchdog!!On the right is KoKo along with Bean the joker of the pack, she's a funny little character and is full of love, she's also a PAT dog, she was also shown as a show dog at crufts, until she broke a leg.

Bottom left we have Roo don't have to explain this little man, along side him is Kanga the looney of the bunch enjoying the seaside. Finally the little Black and Tan is MiMi also a PAT dog and the happiest dog I've ever met, her tail never stops wagging, alongside her is my beautiful little Bean she's my little princess.

Suns still shining, cha cha still being practised!!!!

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