Our Temporary Home

We stopped setting up around 8:30 last night and finished the remaining tasks this morning. I was drained and slept in until 8:00 am. As you can see, we spread out on the camp site. It will be nice having our meals in the screen house. Millie joined us at lunch. Our two neighbors broke camp this morning making this our own private forest. I have put out birdseed to entice some of those beautiful voices to come even closer. When we first got our e-bikes, they got wet during a rainstorm. Consequently, the brake cables rusted and had to be replaced. Hubby decided to minimize a repeat of that disaster; he bought bike covers and is keeping them under a pop up. We rode for a little over a mile this am, my first outing on the new, smaller e-bike. It is so much better than the monster he bought me the first time. I will enjoy these rides. The temperature is 10 degrees cooler than last week and we have a slight breeze so we will be very comfortable outside. We’ll have homemade pizza and salad for dinner, quick and easy. In the meantime, we’ll read and probably listen to a few raindrops hitting our awning. Have a pleasant easy week folks. Thanks for stopping by. Glad you liked the dragonfly. Stay safe. “Without the intense touch of nature, you can never fully freshen yourself! Go for a camping and there both your weary mind and your exhausted body will rise like a morning sun!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

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