Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Châlons-en-Champagne

We had a nice start to the day, wandering around the market, admiring all the fresh produce on offer. The Minx bought me the biggest pain au raisin that I've ever eaten while I got some coffees, and then we headed back to the car for our drive up to Châlons-en-Champagne.

The journey was much better today, inasmuch as our arrival time didn't really slip at all as we made our way almost directly north.

Our hotel was a little way out of the town, so we dropped off our bags, and then drove in to have a look around. We took a walk across a park, which was a delight. It had all sorts of amenities, including a bandstand, and lots of people out enjoying themselves.

We then stopped by at the Cathedral, which only encouraged my burgeoning interest in Catholic Churches, which I find quite bewildering. And on that note, if my Blip seems a little off kilter, it's because I didn't want to miss the statue of Christ.

After that, the Minx took me to a bar and treated me to a bottle of champagne, which is not something I normally drink - prosecco does me fine - but this was delicious.

By now it was time to eat and as there was nowhere particularly attractive in town, we drove back to the hotel and found a nearby restaurant, which gave every appearance of being part of a chain, but the food was excellent, which may explain why it was packed!

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