Where To Get That Stormtrooper Look

I'd booked my car into a garage in town today as it's developed a rattling noise when the engine is idling. I must admit I was a bit gobsmacked (there's a whole lot more gobsmacking to come unfortunately!) that it would cost over £150 just to carry out a diagnostic check.
After I dropped the car off I had time on my hands before I could catch the bus back home so I walked around town looking for an image and spotted this very diverting barber's window display, with the rather unsubtle moniker Man Cave, which I think is enhanced by the reflections from across the street. I'm a bit unsure what Star Wars has to do with anything tonsorial but each to their own!
With no car and nowhere to go I stayed in waiting for the garage to phone me back. The call came late afternoon and, of course, it wasn't good news. In fact it was very bad news - the catalytic converter needs replacing and a front suspension spring is broken (which means they have to replace both front springs - of course it does!). The girl I spoke to mentioned that the cost of the new catalytic converter including fitting was over £1000 and the suspension springs would be another £300 and that I shouldn't drive the car at all (as it could cause serious damage to the engine) until the work was completed. I was a bit aghast but she said they should be able to get it all done by the end of tomorrow, she would e-mail me the confirmation and would call back if there was any problems.
So of course (my apologies for using so many of courses in this blip) she called back - and here came the real kicker, the parts required were on "back order" and could take up to two weeks "or longer" to arrive and to add insult to injury the e-mail confirmed the total cost of the repairs would be over £2000!!! I think she might have actually heard must my jaw hit the floor at this point! I said that that was not the cost she confirmed originally but her reply was that I must have misheard her!
I'm trying to get some other quotes but as it stands I have no car and a very expensive bill to finance. A truly rotten day! :-((

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