
By Groggster

Not A Window On To A Gardener's World

I can only apologise for today's image - it's most certainly not one of my best. It's our garage window festooned with invasive ivy and the encroachment of an adjacent beech hedge which is making its best attempt to blot out the window frame entirely and for which I hang my head in horticultural shame once more - an embarrassment for which I admonish myself on a fairly constant basis and which has been the subject of the odd previous blip (see an example below from almost exactly the same time a year ago - surely you can see the improvement!).
Our garden is prone to infestations of weeds, brambles and ivy which I try to keep on top of and cut back regularly but it just seems to encourage them to grow back stronger and embrace their thuggish tendencies even when I've applied weedkiller (which I try to avoid when at all possible). It does sometimes feel like a lone battle too as the two other members of my household consist of an horticultural abstainer and a once in a blue moon hacker (not the breaking into computer systems kind) who's idea of gardening is to chop and slash at anything remotely green until it resembles the aftermath of a very site specific hurricane or tornado and then leaves me to clear up the plant based disaster zone detritus. Monty Don would not be impressed!

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