Smiles for the Camera

Sue was back from France so there were 3 of us tripping the light fantastic into a calm sea at Porty this morning and a joyful time was had by all. As I came out I had a prickly feeling down both of my shins and wondered if I had been stung by a jelly fish. Quick as a flash daughter#1 produced an antihistamine pill and some cream. Whether quick treatment sorted the problem or there was no sting to start with I know not but the prickly sensation didn’t last and all that happened is I fell asleep before lunch!

Blipper Magpie, and my daughter are second cousins (I believe, though I’m open to correction) and came visiting this afternoon. We sat outside with our Magnums, in sunshine and heat and watched the world go by on the other side of the railings.
Later we rounded off the afternoon with a pizza at Söderberg and agreed it had been a good day.

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